wowsfsf 写道:题目是我自己翻译的 原版为英文
We will represent a search tree (or any graph) using the edges of the tree. For
instance, the tree
a —- b —- c and a – d – e
will be represented in prolog as
edge(a,b). edge(b,c). edge(a,d). edge(d,e).
Given two vertices X, Y rule path(X,Y,Path) determines a path from X to Y (if
one exists) and reports it in Path.
1. Write and test in prolog a set of rules that implement path using depth
first search
2. Write and test in prolog a set of rules that implement path using breadth
first search.
3. Comments on different usages of path, and the number of paths that will
be reported in presence of cycles in the graph.
Use the graph below for testing the code.
edge(a,b). edge(b,c). edge(b,d). edge(d,e). edge(d,f).
edge(a,g). edge(g,h). edge(h,i). edge(f,i).
先帮着把原文译出,原文说:有一种表达树的方法是用edge/2表示 (注:这在P99练习题中也有提到) ,那麽,像 a-b-c 或 a-d-e 写在Prolog程序就是
- 代码:
edge(a,b). edge(b,c). edge(a,d). edge(d,e).
- 代码:
edge(a,b). edge(b,c). edge(b,d). edge(d,e). edge(d,f).
edge(a,g). edge(g,h). edge(h,i). edge(f,i).
要求写Prolog程序规格为 path/3 ,假如写了 ?- path(X, Y, Path) 就是去找 X 到 Y 有没有路径,如果有路径,就把路径回报到 Path 这个参数。
问题一:用DFS方式写 path/3 。
问题二:用BFS方式写 path/3 。
问题三:说说以上二个方法找到的路径的不同用途 (注:我英文有点烂,突然看不懂「说说路径的不同用途」什麽意思) 并且告诉我们有多少路径带有回路。
先填第一题的作法,观念是在一个图中可以把任何一个点当做出发点,对这个出发点来说,它这边或那边的邻点都算是它搜寻树的下一层。所以我会先做个 adjacent/2 找一个点的邻点:
- 代码:
adjacent(Node, Nodes) :-
bagof(A, (edge(Node,A); edge(A,Node)), Nodes).
然後 path/3 照着一般Prolog递归运行,基本就是DFS。但是遇到图中有回路会弄出无限递归,所以不能这样做。我打算用到 path/4 辅助, path(-Node1, -Node2, +PassPath, +Path) ,从 Node1 到 Node2 之间找路径,如果找到路径就暂时先加到 PassPath ,之後如果在找邻点时,可以核对邻点是否曾经在 PassPath 中出现过,并且只考虑从未出现过的邻点。用 PassPath 当历史纪录,可以避免重复搜索到回路上的点。
- 代码:
edge(a,b). edge(b,c). edge(b,d). edge(d,e). edge(d,f). edge(f,i).
edge(a,g). edge(g,h). edge(h,i).
adjacent(Node, Nodes) :-
bagof(A, (edge(Node,A); edge(A,Node)), Nodes).
diffSet(List, AnotList, DiffList) :-
bagof(M, (member(M,List), not(member(M,AnotList))), DiffList).
path(X, Y, Path) :-
path(X, Y, [], Path).
path(X, X, PassPath, Path) :- lists:reverse([X|PassPath], Path).
path(X, Y, PassPath, Path) :- X \= Y,
adjacent(X, Neighbors),
diffSet(Neighbors, PassPath, Neighbors1),
至於第二题的BFS,我还不知道答案的 Path 长成什麽样子。有人知道吗?
- 代码:
pathCircle(Pair) :-
(edge(X,_), edge(_,Y); edge(_,X), edge(Y,_)), X \= Y,
bagof(Path, path(X, Y, Path), Ps),
length(Ps, N),
N > 1,
Pair = [X,Y].
numCircle(N) :-
setof(Pair, pathCircle(Pair), Ps),
length(Ps, N).
- 代码:
?- numCircle(N).
N = 62.